by Gary Leazer | Jul 9, 2002 | Opinion
A 1955 Gallup poll found that only 4 percent of American adults had changed faiths from their parents’ faith. By 1985, that figure had risen to 33 percent. Fully 40 percent of Protestants have changed church affiliations. Denominational labels are becoming less...
by Gary Leazer | Jun 11, 2002 | Opinion
The Southern Baptist Convention created the program of interfaith witness in 1965 and assigned it to the Home Mission Board. M. Thomas Starkes was the first director. In its early years, the interfaith witness department developed several basic objectives to present a...
by Gary Leazer | May 14, 2002 | Opinion
The Buddha wrote nothing, but taught that a person gains enlightenment by following the “Middle Path” between self-indulgence and self-mortification. Worldwide: 357,000,000 United States: 780,000 Founder Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.) was born in what...
by Gary Leazer | Apr 16, 2002 | Opinion
Hinduism is the oldest living world religion. It is also the most difficult to understand as Hindus may be atheists, monotheists or polytheists, depending on their interpretation of Hinduism’s diverse scriptures, written between 1500 B.C.-A.D. 250. There is no...
by Gary Leazer | Mar 19, 2002 | Opinion
Baha’is, numbering more than 5 million, are found in over 200 countries. There are 110,000 Baha’is in the United States. South Carolina, California, Texas, Georgia and Illinois have the largest concentrations of Baha’is in America. Mirza Husayn-Ali...