by Baptist Times Staff | Dec 25, 2012 | News
Christian Aid has launched a new movement to encourage and inspire young people to come together to tackle injustice. The Christian Aid Collective will bring together young people from across the United Kingdom to wrestle with the big issues surrounding global poverty...
by Keith Jones | Dec 10, 2012 | Opinion
The General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England, failed to secure the necessary majority in the House of Laity to move to the possibility of appointing women to the episcopate. The recent upset has set off a round of newspaper articles, Facebook,...
by Baptist Times Staff | Sep 21, 2012 | News
As churches across Britain prepare to celebrate Peacemaking Sunday on Sept. 23, church leaders have written to the nation’s foreign secretary, William Hague, highlighting the importance of the recent United Nations negotiations over the Arms Trade Treaty and...
by Baptist Times Staff | May 29, 2012 | News
A church in Great Britain has piloted a community cafe that combines growing fresh produce, preparing great food and learning how to eat well on a budget. Nosh is a pop-up cafe that has been opening between noon and 2 p.m. each Wednesday throughout May at...
by Baptist Times Staff | May 9, 2012 | News
The legacy of legendary 19th century preacher Charles Spurgeon has inspired a debate about preaching today in a conference at the Baptist Assembly in Great Britain. A three-way conversation at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church with preachers from three very different...