What Jesus Wants from Us More Than Worship

Our high school students and I act out and focus on one particular biblical narrative, typically from the gospels, on Sunday evenings. This is one of our regular small group meeting activities, as we seek to understand better the meaning of the passage we are...

How Churches Can Measure Their Significance

What does a new generation desire from the church? This subject is addressed in Rachel Held Evans’ new book, “Searching For Sunday: Loving, Leaving and Finding the Church,” which a group at my congregation is studying on Wednesday evenings....
Profiles in Goodwill: Griff Martin

Profiles in Goodwill: Griff Martin

Griff Martin is co-pastor of University Baptist Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Griff’s articles that have appeared on EthicsDaily.com are available here. 1. Where did you grow up? Austin, Texas. 2. What is your favorite Bible verse, book or story? Why? Mark...