After Inauguration, Churches Begin Work of Empathy

I have been thinking about what President Obama said near the end of his farewell address. He said that the most important person in the country is still the citizen. As President-elect Trump assumes office, it will be a great challenge for our leaders on all sides to...

5 Ways You Can Pray for the President, Other Leaders

Donald John Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States on Friday, Jan. 20. Regardless of who we voted for, it is imperative for people of faith to pray for our new president and for other local, state and national leaders. Our nation will be...

4 Ways to Handle Political Tensions in Your Church

Raise your hand if you thought the political tensions within your congregation would subside after the November election? Think again. Those tensions have simply morphed, creating a different focus. Post-election, the tension centers around our biblical mandate to...

Praying for Your Elected Officials: A Subversive Idea

Did you pray for President Barack Obama during his presidency? Will you pray for President Donald Trump during his? If not, then you have become derelict in one of the most significant and strategic of our Christian duties. Scripture seems to indicate that for the...

The Most Powerful Thing You Can Do for POTUS

The 2016 campaign season proved once again how clearly our nation divides herself along political lines. This year’s discourse among candidates felt less civil as debates degenerated into spectacle. Social media posts and public protests continue to illustrate...