By the Way | Southern Baptist Follies

By the Way | Southern Baptist Follies

I don’t often comment on matters related to the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). First, many people I admire know far more about the SBC than I do, so I’m inclined to defer to their wisdom, experience, and well, battle scars. Second, commenting on matters Southern...
Things Are Different Now

Things Are Different Now

Graduation night for Campbell University Divinity School carried an extra frisson of excitement this year: due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was our first in-person graduation since 2019. All faculty members play some role in the ceremony, and this year it was my turn...
A New Look at an Old Word

A New Look at an Old Word

Those of us who participated in or at least lived through the hot debates on “inerrancy” that divided the Southern Baptist Convention will recall that a favorite term of its adherents was (and is) theopneustos, a rare word that appears only once in the Bible, in 2...

Battling Over the Meaning of the Bible’s Words

In March, a group known as the Committee on Bible Translation released a new edition of the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. The first edition, released in 1984, has been one of the best-selling translations of the Bible in centuries – second only to the...