by Martin Accad | May 19, 2016 | Opinion
My friend Peter believes that the Quranic portrayal of Jesus stands in complete contradiction with the New Testament witness. He was once called Ahmad, but when he converted to Christianity after consistently watching polemical programs about Islam on satellite...
by Mike Kuhn | Apr 4, 2016 | Opinion
Too often people divide the entire population of the world (7.4 billion, by the way) into two distinct categories – “There are two kinds of people in the world.” The dividing lines could fall at any number of angles depending on the speaker’s...
by Suzie Lahoud | Oct 28, 2015 | Opinion
The idolatry of shaping God in our own image has been the root of much evil in the world. It has perpetuated systems of oppression. And racism. And hate. It has led to genocide. And apartheid. And rape. Tell me that the church’s hands are clean from the blood of...
by Suzie Lahoud | Oct 27, 2015 | Opinion
Like Jacob in Genesis 32, I have wrestled recently with God over the politics of my own identity. From a young age, I had attained to what many around me attested to be “profound maturity” in my Christian faith. I could quote Bible verses in the proper...
by Arthur Brown | Jul 29, 2015 | Opinion
There is no shortage of fear in this world, and of course no shortage of things to be fearful of. Given recent comments by a well-known U.S. evangelical Christian leader, Franklin Graham, concerning his views on Islam and Muslims – and how he feels his country...