by Chuck Queen | Apr 13, 2010 | Opinion
In “It’s Really All About God: Reflections of a Muslim Atheist Jewish Christian,” author Samir Selmanovic tells about an experience he had on the morning of Sept. 11, 2002. One of the Christian family radio networks had lined him up for an interview....
by Mike Harton | Jul 14, 2009 | Opinion
Two recent conversations haunt me. An old college friend, a leading-edge baby boomer (age 63) whom I knew to be a person of faith in college, told me he and his wife “had given up on the institutional church.” The other conversation was with an educated...
by Chuck Warnock | Jun 9, 2009 | Opinion
The National Association of Evangelicals’ board members were pessimistic about the growth of churches in the United States, according to an NAE survey from May. However, there was overall optimism that Christianity would grow worldwide, but that growth would...
by Matthew Norman | Jun 2, 2009 | Opinion
What will the church look like in 50 years? We all know that something is afoot and have seen the decline in membership in many churches. Many know people that have never, and never plan, to go to a church. The political and social influence upon society that...
by Rabbi Rami Shapiro | Feb 11, 2009 | Opinion
Rod Dreher, author of Crunchy Cons, wrote a very moving and, to me, troubling essay in USA TODAY. The basic idea is that too much truth when it comes to religion is a bad thing. At issue is Rod’s journalistic examination of the sex abuse scandals that rocked the...