by Jack Moline | Nov 29, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
Editor’s note: “Look Back” is a series designed to highlight articles from the Good Faith Media archives that remain relevant or historically interesting. If you have an article from our archives that you’d like us to consider including in this series, please email...
by Paul Lewis | Jun 14, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
Robert Sellers writes that one thing unites the world’s religions: their ethical teachings. He shows how they share commitments to compassion, the Golden Rule, interdependence and so on. I tend to agree but want to probe further. Is there something that grounds these...
by Jack Moline | Jun 9, 2023 | Feature, Opinion
I have always loved stories, which makes me especially grateful that my faith tradition is filled with them. One such story, from the Hassidic legacy, was told by Rabbi Moshe Lieb Erblich, who is also known as the Sassover Rav. He told of entering a tavern in his...
by Tony W. Cartledge | May 10, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
It came as a pleasant surprise to hear a knock at the door and see two friends and former neighbors who had stopped by just to chat. They live in America but have roots in East Jerusalem. They have trouble enough visiting family there as it is, so I’ll call them Samir...
by Ed Hogan | Mar 31, 2023 | Feature, Opinion
I grew up in East Texas where most people were Baptists and Methodists, so the most religious diversity I experienced was playing football with my Catholic neighbors. This all changed when I went to college at The University of Texas at Austin. I met famed atheist...