Whatever Happened to Church Discipline?

Hippolytus was a leader in the early Christian church who lived from 160 to 235 C.E. He wrote “The Apostolic Tradition” which is best described as a “church manual” that includes information about the role of bishops, presbyters, deacons,...

Landmark Confessions

It’s an election year and faith and religion is a hot topic, both for the candidates and for the voters. That is great! As a First Amendment-loving Baptist, the more we can dialogue about faith and politics, the better we understand the issues involved. A...

Conversation Without the ‘-isms’

Sometimes in private and sometimes with great fanfare, important religious leaders or teachers from various faiths gather for a formal time of inter-religious dialogue. These meetings are often important and sometimes produce statements of unity or some other tangible...

Run the Race, Preach the Gospel

“Thou shalt not use running illustrations in thy sermons.” This commandment is non-negotiable in my sermon preparation. I know that Isaiah 40 offers wonderful words of encouragement that “those who wait for the Lord … shall run and not be...