Jesus: Disturber of the Peace

Reza Aslan’s basic thesis in his book “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth” is that Jesus was a failed revolutionary who was willing to use violence to overthrow the political and religious order to bring in God’s kingdom. Aslan...

Where Do You Look To Find Enemies of the Cross?

In his letter to the church at Philippi, it is fairly obvious that Paul is concerned about some influences that were steering the church away from the teaching he had imparted and the example he had modeled. It seems that there were two different kinds of pressure...

How Mary’s One-Time Extravagance Benefitted You

Was it a spur-of-the-moment thing? Or something Mary had in mind for a long time? If it was impulsive, why did she have so much expensive nard-based perfume on hand? Was Mary collecting this perfume because she loved exquisite fragrances? Or was she a wise investor,...

Money Always Promises More Than It Delivers

What does money mean to you? For many of us, I think, money means safety and security. We depend on money to feed us, clothe us, house us, provide medical care for us, transport us and educate us.  Money puts gates around our neighborhoods, fences around our yards,...