by Craig Nash | May 8, 2024 | Feature-, Opinion
The final event at the 2024 Religious Freedom Summit, hosted by Americans United (AU) for the Separation of Church and State, was a screening of the film “Bad Faith.” The documentary, produced and directed by Stephen Ujlaki and Christopher J. Jones, highlighted the...
by Randall Balmer | Nov 21, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
In Plains, Georgia, in 1946, it probably qualified as a mixed marriage. The bride, wearing a knee-length dress, was a Methodist, and the groom, recently graduated from the Naval Academy in his dress white uniform, was Southern Baptist. That was the beginning,...
by John D. Pierce | Nov 20, 2023 | Feature, News
“She knows many will not fully understand the spiritual base on which they operate, but there’s a confidence that the world will not forget their emphasis on personal integrity, human rights, and justice for all people. That’s Rosalynn.” This description of Rosalynn...
by Seth Vopat | Mar 10, 2023 | Feature-, Opinion
Editor’s note: “Look Back” is a series designed to highlight articles from the Good Faith Media archives that remain relevant or historically interesting. If you have an article from our archives that you’d like us to consider including in this series, please email...
by Mitch Carnell | Jun 20, 2018 | Opinion
One of my birthday presents this year was accompanied by a great compliment. My son gave me Jimmy Carter’s new book, “Faith: A Journey for All,” and said, “Dad, this sounds like you.” It was an over-the-top compliment, but I sincerely...