How Conflict Can Be a Positive Agent of Change

How Conflict Can Be a Positive Agent of Change

Conflict is a natural part of being in a community. It cannot be avoided or controlled by anyone, but it can be an agent of change. When you approach conflict from a defensive posture, it can escalate the situation to where a third party is needed to help resolve the...

Building Your Church’s Community Via Social Media

Geo-socialization, in its simplest terms, may be described as social geography – socializing with those in your geographical area through the tool of social media. Connecting to your primary audience within a certain radius of where your business is located is...

Why Must Christians Criticize Ice Bucket Challenge?

The ALS ice bucket challenge has taken the Internet by storm. I think it’s a good deed being done by people with good intentions. We are experiencing a lot of hate and violence in our world at this moment, so I want to give thanks for the simplicity of people...