Count Each Day

Count Each Day

There was something notably different about the gravestones in the Myer Homestead cemetery than the markers seen in so many other burial places. Established in 1759, the cemetery — with both aging headstones and freshly turned dirt — serves as the final resting place...

The Path

A sermon by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. The Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16 August 12, 2013 Isaiah 1:1, 10-20; Psalm 50:1-8, 22-23; Luke 12:32-40 John Claypool preached this text forty-four years ago and I...

Stewards of the Story

A sermon by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. The Fourth Sunday of Lent Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32 Joshua 5:9-12; Psalm 32; 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 In John Steinbeck’s wonderful book, Travels with Charley, he tells about attending an old country...

The Secret of Life

A sermon delivered by Keith D. Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo., on July 22, 2012 II Samuel 7:1-14a Here’s the context for today’s reading:  King David has succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest imagination proving he was the right man at the...

Least Likely

A sermon delivered by Keith Herron, Pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo., on June 17, 2012. The Third Sunday after Pentecost I Samuel 15:34-16:13 David is the single person the Bible devotes more space than to any other character … more than Paul,...