Reading Between the Lines of the Bible

Reading Between the Lines of the Bible

Stories can be dangerous when they don’t come directly from the source. When hearing a story secondhand, it is easy to assume the outcome. In the Bible, there is a story about a rich young ruler and it is a part of the synoptic gospels of Jesus’s life, found in...
Outgrowing Your Flower Pot

Outgrowing Your Flower Pot

Life is like a flower pot and we are the plants. We spread our roots in the soil of our experience and grow leaves of who we are. My childhood was spent in small town Conyers, Georgia. I grew up in one place and interacted with the same people. When we live in one...
Mandatory Chapel Hurting Student Faith

Mandatory Chapel Hurting Student Faith

When religious offerings are forced on capable adults, it removes religious freedom. Unfortunately, we see that happening at many Christian colleges nationwide that hold chapel services run by faculty and students for their student body. These services are a great...