Don’t Judge Too Quickly

Don’t Judge Too Quickly

Early this month, on the eve of Purim, the Israeli Antiquities Authority announced with some fanfare that an inscription from the time of the Persian king Darius I had been found at Lachish, once a major city in southern Israel. During the Persian period (c. 550–330...
When You Vote: Choosing This Day Whom You Will Serve

When You Vote: Choosing This Day Whom You Will Serve

It was an ordinary day sometime in the mid-1960s when historical theology professor John Steely began his chapel meditation with the words, “Yesterday didn’t seem like judgment day …” As this seminary student recalls now more than 50 years later, there had been...

The Six-Second Christian

A sermon delivered by Joel Snider, Pastor, First Baptist Church, Rome, Ga., on June 17, 2012. Matthew 5:33-37 Meditation Text: Consistency, madam, is the first of Christian duties.                                                             —Charlotte Bronte Jesus...

Judged By The Judge

One thing you hardly ever hear is that Alabama Baptists are soft on Scripture. We get knocked around for a lot of things we do, but hardly ever our commitment to the Bible. Now, that has changed. As hard as it may be to believe, Judge Roy Moore has found it necessary...