When my OBGYN Became My Pastor

When my OBGYN Became My Pastor

I had my annual checkup with my OB/GYN during my birthday week this month. My doctor asked about my kiddo, who she helped deliver a few years ago and is now in preschool. Then, “Are you thinking about number two?“ This year, that question hit something raw in my soul....
Keeping Hope Alive in Louisville

Keeping Hope Alive in Louisville

Jesse L. Jackson, speaking to the 1988 Democratic Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, said: “Wherever you are tonight, you can make it. Hold your head high; stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but the morning comes. … Keep hope alive. Keep hope...
Until Black Women’s Lives Matter

Until Black Women’s Lives Matter

I can hear helicopters circling over my city as I write these words. It’s a few hours after the attorney general’s announcement about Breonna Taylor here in Louisville. Sickness settles in my stomach as I begin to digest the news that one officer was indicted because...