by Larry Coleman | Jul 2, 2015 | Opinion
It’s done. Death penalty and it’s over. Dylann Storm Roof, fueled by hate groups in which he participated, walked into a Wednesday night Bible study and prayer meeting. The 21-year-old Roof was greeted warmly. The church was hospitable. As the meeting...
by Larry Coleman | Mar 26, 2014 | Opinion
We live in a world that moves through seasons. We adjust by having different expectations and finding different hopes in each season. The church has always had a seasonal calendar of its own. Baptists, coming out of their Puritan roots, developed their own seasonal...
by Larry Coleman | Feb 4, 2014 | Opinion
For Baptist churches following the liturgical worship calendar, Lent is a given. However, there are exponentially more pastors who, if they speak the word “Lent,” will be greeted with resistance or even an anti-Catholic rant. Our Puritan forefathers...
by Larry Coleman | Dec 24, 2012 | Opinion
A marred Christmas and a marred New Year. Merry has been stolen from Christmas, Happy from New Year’s. As much as we might desire or long to celebrate the birth of God among us, the violence in Newtown, Conn., does not proclaim birth to us, but miscarriage,...
by Larry Coleman | Jul 27, 2011 | Opinion
We have listened to voices claim what must occur to create a better future for our nation. The business sector has clamored for the protection of the wealthiest Americans from taxation because they are the job creators. Closet historians have declared with a...