When Grief Unravels Your Life – Part 2

When Grief Unravels Your Life – Part 2

I recently slogged my way out of a series of losses. Though I talked of grief overlays, or cumulative grief, I didn’t address how one might do the work of addressing the presence of it in one’s life. So, let’s talk about overlays, a cumulative grief. Ideally, one...
When Grief Unravels Your Life – Part 1

When Grief Unravels Your Life – Part 1

I want both my eyes. I want to see with the ease I did when both worked. To expect depth perception to remain constant. To see my wine glass and pour into it, instead of all over a countertop. One of my eye docs joked that all I needed was a bigger glass. I want to...
A Eulogy of Sorts for the Mother I Knew Too Briefly

A Eulogy of Sorts for the Mother I Knew Too Briefly

I am an orphan in fact now, not by design, though I was that as well. My mother died Friday evening, March 20. Hazel Elaine Smith (Ewing), 90 years old, who said a year ago she hoped she’d fall asleep and never wake up and was ticked as the dickens when the sun rose...
Profiles In Goodwill: Laura Landgraf

Profiles In Goodwill: Laura Landgraf

Laura Landgraf is a social activist, retreat leader, motivational speaker and the author of “The Fifth Sister.” Where did you grow up? My longest incumbency was Ethiopia. What is your favorite verse, book or story in the Bible? Why? 1 Corinthians 13. In trying...