by Starlette Thomas | Jun 25, 2024 | Feature, News
Gallup’s Values and Beliefs survey finds most Americans hold a liberal view on social issues. The liberal perspective is no longer a “minority viewpoint.” The trend toward liberal views is the result of U.S. Democrats’ progression on social issues. Neither...
by Leroy Seat | Jan 25, 2019 | Opinion
Can differences of degree become so great they become differences of kind? I recall that issue being discussed long ago when I was in graduate school. But what about it? For example, can different expressions of Christianity become so great they actually become...
by Larry Greenfield | Feb 10, 2012 | Opinion
A dispute in recent issues of TheNewYorkReviewofBooks provokes an old but ever-new question: Is it possible for authentic followers of Jesus the Anointed of God to be conservatives, or must they by definition be liberals? The ongoing disagreement between Professor...
by Leroy Seat | Mar 2, 2011 | Opinion
Editor’s note: This is part two of a two-part series on conservatism and liberalism. Last year, I published “The Limits of Liberalism.” While the book is primarily about theological liberalism rather than social or political liberalism (my main...
by Jack Brymer | Jul 1, 2004 | Opinion
“Torture, burning at the stake and other punishment for the faithful condemned as witches or heretics by church tribunals during the Inquisition was not as widespread as commonly believed, the Vatican said Tuesday.” This lead paragraph in an Associated...