Look Back | Unsafe Harbors for Gay Church Members

Look Back | Unsafe Harbors for Gay Church Members

Editor’s note: This article first appeared on Dec. 5, 2006. Herron was senior pastor at Holmeswood Baptist Church in Kansas City, Missouri, at the time of publication. It is republished today in light of this week’s EthicsDaily.com series focused on LGBTQI+ persons,...

The Inbred, Overbred, Autonomy Doctrine

For six years, a convicted child molester was pastor and minister a First Baptist Church in Romeoville, Ill. Deacons knew. Other ministers knew. A denominational official knew. Yet, nothing was done until a minister anonymously contacted the Survivors Network of those...

Why I Am (Still) a Baptist

This past Sunday morning I spent some time with one of the adult Sunday school classes at the church where I am pastor. They had spent several months working through a study of doctrines important to Baptists, and I had been asked to visit and wrap up the study. After...

Mountains in Every Direction

The 20th century began and ended with American Baptists struggling with how to implement a balance of independence and interdependence in a national organization that claims to be an expression of the Church of Jesus Christ. Perhaps it is a struggle that will be with...