by John D. Pierce | Dec 14, 2021 | Jesus Worldview Initiative, Opinion
Advent was not a part of my religious upbringing. But we experienced a lot of “getting ready for Christmas.” The narrative — through Christmas plays, cantatas, sermons and more — was that God sent Jesus into a sinful, lost world. And, as the story played out, Jesus...
by Jim Holladay | May 13, 2020 | Opinion
The stoning of Stephen (Acts 7:55-60) was the first lectionary reading for May 10. I forget what I was reading that prompted me to reflect on this as a kind of first century lynching, but I cannot get that imagery out of my mind. Stephen, though a Jew, was by all...
by Starlette Thomas | Sep 4, 2019 | Opinion
Last Wednesday marked the 64th anniversary of Emmett Till’s death. The 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago was killed in Money, Mississippi, on Aug. 28, 1955. I know his story by heart; it was the first one I learned on domestic terrorism and mob lynching...
by Greg DeLoach | Mar 15, 2019 | Opinion
Walking onto the university campus, I listened to birds deep in song as the morning emerged from dark night; the sky not quite light and not quite dark. Rounding the corner to the building where my office is located stands one bright tree – a tulip tree full of...