Two Sets of Magi: Which One Are You?

Two Sets of Magi: Which One Are You?

Magi from the East travel, kneel, worship and present three gifts to baby Jesus: gold, the gift of kings; frankincense, the gift of divinity; and myrrh, the spice for burial. This familiar narrative, found in Matthew 2, is the focal text for Epiphany (Jan. 6), which...

Here’s What Really Made Those Wise Men Wise

It’s funny that they have come to be known as the wise men. In the biblical accounts, they were referred to as “magi,” and for the Jewish audience of the first century this was not, by any stretch of the imagination, to be considered as...

Travels and Travails

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. December 29, 2013 Isaiah 63:7-9; Matthew 2:13-23 If you’ve ever done much traveling, you know it can be fraught with all kinds of difficulties. Just recently, one of our church members...