by Trevor Barton | Oct 28, 2021 | Opinion
Interactive reading is one way I engage my fourth graders in learning about new people and places. Recently, we’ve used this approach with books by Malala Yousafzai and Jane Goodall. “Have you heard of Malala?” I asked my students when introducing them to her book...
by Timothy J. Bonner | Aug 9, 2021 | Opinion
Malala Yousafzai celebrated her 24th birthday a few weeks ago. We can celebrate with her because she proved that, with an entrepreneurial spirit, we can bring about disruptive innovations that empower people to create compassionate change – even in a resistant world...
by David Kerrigan | Oct 22, 2012 | Opinion
Heroes have been in the news recently. My attention was drawn to the story of Henry Langford, someone I hadn’t heard of until the 93-year-old’s death on Oct. 7 was reported in the religious newspapers. Langford supported the cause of racial equality in...