by Mark Tidsworth | Jul 8, 2019 | Opinion
A clergy colleague recently posted an interesting meme on my Facebook page: “If you are over 45 and don’t have an under-30 mentor – not mentee, mentor – then you are going to miss fundamental shifts in thinking that are happening.” A few days before, another colleague...
by Mark Tidsworth | Jun 27, 2019 | Opinion
Developing a “community of practice” was the focal point of seven churches from one denomination a few years ago. Before starting, my organization, Pinnacle Resource Associates, wrestled around with the purpose of this work. What’s the goal we are pursuing? Are we...
by Mark Tidsworth | May 16, 2019 | Opinion
Seven out of 10. Yes, that’s right. Seven out of 10 pastors say they have no close friends, according to an Alban Institute study from around 2002. I’ve been sharing this statistic in clergy gatherings and coaching over the last 17 years in my work at Pinnacle...
by Mark Tidsworth | May 1, 2019 | Opinion
Remember this statement? “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18). Those of us trained as pastors, coaches, trainers or consultants before the turn of this century knew that identifying a church’s mission and vision was the gold standard for...
by Mark Tidsworth | Apr 4, 2019 | Opinion
Local church pastors wish their congregations were aware of certain realities, but they are concerned that being too transparent could threaten their jobs. Yesterday, I shared three things congregational leaders wish their members knew. Here are three more: 1. The...