Not just plain vanilla

Not just plain vanilla

A paper presented at the American Schools of Oriental Research (ASOR) meeting last week put me in the mood for pound cake. Really. I didn’t get to hear the lecture, because my teaching schedule renders it impractical to attend both ASOR and the Society of...
A real horse town

A real horse town

Sunday at the annual Society of Biblical Literature meeting as a day of learning on many counts. If you’re curious about things biblical and archaeological, keep reading … Rather than reviewing all of the (sometimes) fascinating sessions I attended and...
You did what?

You did what?

Travelers with our Campbell University Divinity School/Nurturing Faith Experiences tour group are getting their money’s worth. Our guide told a fellow guide what all we had done today, and he responded: “It takes me three days to do that.” You can believe it. After...

Villa, palace, palace, view

Lucky (and still healthy) folks traveling in Israel and the West Bank with Baptists Today spent their last full day in the Galilee with a roundhouse road trip that began with such a traffic jam a half hour out that our driver made a skillful U-turn that took us...