by Eileen R. Campbell-Reed | Oct 5, 2017 | Opinion
It is something most ministers want. And it can feel impossible to find. Yet seeking pastoral wisdom is vital for the work of the church and for leading people of faith. Becoming pastorally wise is what I call a “big squishy goal,” or as one of my students...
by Sharon Prior | Mar 30, 2017 | Opinion
I’m hopeful that the days of expecting a congregation’s ministry staff to do everything are coming to an end. Volunteers in the congregation are more willing to take on roles within the church, especially when they are encouraged to do so. So, how can a...
by Ircel Harrison | Jan 25, 2016 | Opinion
The process for supplying ministerial leaders used to go something like this: Churches nurtured young people who “responded to the call to ministry.” After the candidates completed college, the church sent them on to the denominational seminary, which not...
by Kalie Lowrie | May 15, 2014 | News
Twenty-nine parents from Manuel Jara Elementary School in Fort Worth, Texas, set aside time for 11 weeks this spring to learn tools, skills and confidence to raise healthy, caring and responsible children. A graduation ceremony was held on April 30 to recognize the...
by Joe LaGuardia | Nov 11, 2013 | Opinion
Several weeks ago, the accompanist at the church I pastor preached on using our gifts to join creation’s praise to God. He told a story of how his grandfather hummed hymns around the house and farm and how that had an impact on our accompanist’s love for...