What Kind of Government Leaders Do Christians Want?

What Kind of Government Leaders Do Christians Want?

Jerry Falwell Jr. is president of Liberty University and a self-appointed spokesman for “evangelical Christians” in the U.S., many of whom accept his self-appointment and take what he says seriously. He gets a lot of press. I still think of myself as an evangelical...
Helping Our Damaged Nation Live Up to Its Ideals

Helping Our Damaged Nation Live Up to Its Ideals

As the sun arose on Sept. 14, 1814, a man on a ship several miles away from Fort McHenry, which guarded the Baltimore harbor, saw that the U.S. flag still waved over it after many hours of British bombardment. Inspired by the sight, that man, whose name was Francis...
2 Reasons Those Name-And-Blame Arguments Don’t Work

2 Reasons Those Name-And-Blame Arguments Don’t Work

Latin terms name the two basic choices we have when discussing, debating or arguing with someone. We can use “ad hominem” arguments. Ad hominem literally means “to the man” (we would say “to the person”). Someone using an ad hominem argument attacks the other person...

Why You Need to Support a Free Press

World Press Freedom Day was observed earlier this month (May 3). This day is promoted annually by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). According to its website, it “is a date which celebrates the fundamental principles...