by Carra Greer | Oct 25, 2019 | Opinion
Women are welcome?! My initial, gut-level reaction is “Ha!” Apparently, some misogynist made a comment mocking Beth Moore, which has sparked moderate Baptists and others to launch several campaigns supporting women clergy. One says, “Women aren’t going home. They are...
by Wissam al-Saliby | Apr 17, 2019 | Opinion
The recent massacre of Muslim worshippers in New Zealand was the manifestation of a growing global phenomenon, which has been described as nationalist populism, white nationalism, extreme supremacist ideology, xenophobia, racism, populist nationalism and other terms....
by Ron Rolheiser | Aug 15, 2018 | Opinion
He’s a loser! You’re a loser! Among all the hurtful slurs we mindlessly utter, this particular one is perhaps the most hurtful and damaging. It needs to be forbidden in our public discourse and stricken from our vocabulary. We’ve come a long way today in forbidding...
by Robert Parham | Mar 23, 2012 | Opinion
Is Rush Limbaugh’s vulgarity worse than Bill Maher’s vulgarity – or vice versa? Well-known to most are the highly offensive words that Limbaugh used to discredit female Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke. She spoke about her school’s...