Are We Erasing History – or Cementing It?

Are We Erasing History – or Cementing It?

The initial rush of removing Confederate statues has passed, but the cat is out of the bag and remains on the hunt. Critics of white supremacy have found satisfaction in the movement, while supporters complain that activists are out to erase history. We’ve been...
Confederate Statues Laud Wrong View of History

Confederate Statues Laud Wrong View of History

Charlottesville, Virginia, was buzzing in 2017 with talk about the possibility of removing Confederate monuments in the city. At first, I was ambivalent. On the one hand, I had no interest in valorizing Confederate heroes like Robert E. Lee and Thomas “Stonewall”...
Some Still Revising South’s Reasons for Civil War

Some Still Revising South’s Reasons for Civil War

Donald Trump’s continually divisive language – especially as it relates to defending the Confederate flag and Southern monuments that glorify the actions and legacies of military and political leaders that supported the South during and after the Civil War – is not...
As Monuments Come Tumbling Down

As Monuments Come Tumbling Down

The Black Lives Matter movement has reminded me of some ghosts in the Baptist history closet that need addressing. Our denominational tradition has some reckoning or at least revisionism to deal with as we come to terms with present realities. As I have written in the...