There’s Still No Room for Jesus

There’s Still No Room for Jesus

When Mary and Joseph rode into Bethlehem to register for the census, they did so as undocumented and unhoused people. The census would address their documentation issue, but it would be complicated. Before arriving in Bethlehem, they were betrothed and headed toward...
Moving From Fear to Joy

Moving From Fear to Joy

We all know what a shepherd looks like, don’t we? About three feet tall. Wears a striped bathrobe. Shaggy head adorned with a blue bath towel and a headband. Holds a crooked stick. Wears Nikes. In my day, they were Converse. Despite all the competing grand productions...

A Political Nativity in the Nation’s Capital

In early December, the streets of Capitol Hill are briefly transformed into a first century Middle Eastern scene as robed people march through the streets with sheep, donkeys and camels. A “live nativity,” this annual event started in 2010 to enact the...

Photo or Portrait? How to Discern the Real Jesus

News reports on the new book by Pope Benedict XVI on the infancy narratives of Jesus observe that he “debunks” some of the traditions associated with the nativity stories, such as animals in the stable and angels singing to the baby Jesus. It is easy to...