by Cliff Vaughn | Apr 9, 2019 | Opinion
My most intense exposure to the topic of genocide occurred from 2014 to 2016, when I co-produced a documentary on the 1966 genocide in Nigeria, in which Igbo tribespeople in particular were targeted for killing and for expulsion from certain parts of the country....
by Staff | Jun 26, 2017 | News
Baptist Center for Ethics / will have two events on June 29 during the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship’s 2017 general assembly in Atlanta. A workshop from 3 to 4 p.m., co-sponsored by CBF Global Missions, will focus on’s...
by Staff | Apr 26, 2017 | News
Sudan and Yemen are most at risk for state-led mass atrocities, according to the Early Warning Project’s (EWP’s) annual analysis released on April 12. Myanmar (Burma), Nigeria and Afghanistan are also among the countries most at risk. EWP is a joint...
by William Cowley | Apr 11, 2017 | Opinion
We must sharpen our sensitivities concerning genocide, as few people have the word “genocide” in their everyday vocabulary. Basically genocide is the deliberate, intentional effort to exterminate an entire group of people simply because of who they are....
by Staff | Mar 21, 2017 | News
Bill and Audrey Cowley, retired Southern Baptist missionaries, were honored as “Baptists of the Year” for 2016 at a March 16, 2017, dinner held in their honor. This honor was first announced in late December 2016 by Robert Parham on, the...