by Jan Resseger and Curtis Ramsey-Lucas | Aug 29, 2007 | Opinion
Our serious and ongoing concerns about the No Child Left Behind Act cause us to ask our legislators in Congress not to rush through a quick fix but instead to take the time to reauthorize NCLB with care. We believe it essential that members of Congress discern...
by Bob Allen | Feb 8, 2007 | News
America’s teachers affirm the federal government’s goals of increasing student achievement, closing learning gaps and ensuring that every child is taught by a highly qualified teacher, said Becky Pringle, a member of the National Education Association...
by Bob Allen | Apr 19, 2006 | News
An analysis by the Associated Press says nearly 2 million students–mostly minorities–aren’t being counted in test scores under No Child Left Behind, creating a false picture of academic progress. The law requires that all public school students must...