by Dennis Bickers | Aug 28, 2017 | Opinion
The declining number of folks from the Builder Generation will have a significant impact on local churches over the next decade. Local churches and denominations have talked for a long time about the overwhelming numbers of senior adults that make up our...
by Joe LaGuardia | Sep 22, 2015 | Opinion
Churches have been scrambling to attract young adults for the last few decades. Reaching this age group is a momentous task that requires changes in worship, leadership, preaching and outreach. Much of this change has been for the better – an ever fluid and...
by Cliff Vaughn | Mar 26, 2014 | Opinion
One of the real pleasures of documentary filmmaking is getting to spend some intentional time with people – that is, directed moments together that can include conversation, observation, contemplation. People of all ages have impressed me, but perhaps no group more so...
by Dennis Bickers | Sep 10, 2013 | Opinion
I reflected recently on common issues smaller churches raise about why they are not able to do more than they are doing. It is important to note that many of these issues are true and valid, but that does not mean they have to limit what the church is able to do. One...
by Robert Parham | Jul 31, 2013 | Opinion
Retirement-aged Christians are at the leading edge of addressing a host of social justice and mercy ministry initiatives. To play off an idea from Peter’s Jerusalem sermon in Acts, young adults might have visions – visions of a better, a different world. But...