by Elizabeth Crisp | Feb 14, 2012 | News
(RNS) Ron Williams is the pastor of Church at the GYM in Sanford, Fla. As the Baptist church’s name implies, Williams’ congregation meets, well, in a gym. Williams said the goal is to remove the “stained-glass barriers” for people who might not...
by Randy Hyde | Nov 23, 2011 | General
A sermon delivered by Randy L. Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ark., on November 20, 2011.           Ezekiel 34:11-22; Matthew 25:31-46 May I be perfectly honest with you? This parable we read a few moments ago from Matthew’s gospel is not...
by Jeffrey MacDonald | Mar 17, 2011 | News
(RNS) Rest on the Sabbath. Heed Old Testament dietary codes. And be ready for Jesus to return at any moment. If these practices sound quaint or antiquated, think again. They’re hallmarks of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the fastest-growing Christian denomination...