Seeing Beyond Knowledge

Seeing Beyond Knowledge

Many people know “Mars Hill” because of the podcast “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill,” which documents the scandals of Mark Driscoll and the church he once pastored.  Other churches use “Mars Hill” as their name as well. Yet, how many people know the biblical context...

Extravagant Investments, Extraordinary Returns

A sermon by Michael Cheuk, Pastor, University Baptist Church, Charlottesville, Va. July 13, 2014. Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23 This morning’s Gospel lesson is called the Parable of the Sower.  Since I’m basically a city boy, born in Hong Kong, grew up in Shreveport, lived in...

The United Way

A sermon by Randy Hyde, Pastor, Pulaski Heights Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ar. January 26, 2014 Psalm 27:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:10-18 As I have mentioned before, after living on the east side of the big river for more than two decades we returned home to our native...