by Rob Sellers | Aug 18, 2020 | Opinion
The General Assembly of the United Nations passed a resolution on May 28, 2019, “strongly condemning continuing violence and acts of terrorism targeting individuals, including persons belonging to religious minorities, on the basis of or in the name of religion or...
by Staff | Jan 23, 2020 | News
Christians experiencing high levels of persecution rose 6% in 2019 to 260 million persons, according to a report from Open Doors published Jan. 15. Open Doors is a U.S.-based nonprofit that focuses on supporting persecuted Christians around the world. It publishes its...
by Danny Chisholm | Oct 17, 2019 | Opinion
I am tired of hearing that Christians in the United States are persecuted. I’m preaching through the seven churches of Revelation, and each of them had to hear the painful words of Jesus: “but I have this against you.” However, Smryna wasn’t one of them. We’ve had a...
by Brent Hamoud | Mar 15, 2019 | Opinion
Millions of innocent Muslims are suffering simply because they exist in contexts where Islam is widely loathed and targeted, as I discussed previously The role of statelessness as a weapon of persecution and dehumanization is a very disturbing trend. These problems...
by Brent Hamoud | Mar 14, 2019 | Opinion
The global elevation of human rights and individual liberties may be a historical trend, but religious persecution remains an immense challenge in our times. Millions are suffering threats to their lives and well-being simply because they desire to embrace a...