Give It Up

Give It Up

Someone asked me last week what I had given up for Lent this year. I’m a bit embarrassed to say that her question caught me off guard because I haven’t given anything up for Lent, and I’m her new pastor. I suppose I could easily compose an entire list of excuses for...
Maybe Military Should Organize Bake Sales, Not Schools

Maybe Military Should Organize Bake Sales, Not Schools

The grocery stores’ circulars in the newspaper caught my attention one recent slow morning in mid-August. I began to wonder how things might be different if certain fortunes were reversed. Instead of “back-to-school,” it’s “back-to-basic-training” discount offers....

10 Commandments for Working for Change: Part Two

Editor’s note: This is part two of a two-part series. Read part one here. I’ve been thinking, at 57, about how disappointing the world, other people, the church, society, politicians, even myself, are. And yet, I hope. I still think things can be...

10 Commandments for Working for Change: Part One

Editor’s note: This is part one of a two-part series. I’ve been thinking, at 57, about how disappointing the world, other people, the church, society, politicians, even myself, are. And yet, I hope. I still think things can be better. This is mysterious. I...