The Seductive Momentum of Technology

The continuing disclosures, thanks to Edward Snowden, of the global extent of American spying programs are faintly humorous. One would love to know, for instance, what possible benefits American governments have gained from 10 years of listening in to Angela...

Learning to Live in a World Without Privacy

If you want to change your life, change your attitude. If you want to change your relationships, change your language. If you want to change the world, change the way you communicate with it. What we have known and loved in the past is just that – past. We have...

Churches “ The Place We Should Be Truly Honest

A successful Web/IT developer recently said in his thought-provoking blog that he knows a lot of people who want to pull the plug on Facebook and other social media because the technologies set up a shell of who they really are. Folks upload pictures of their vacation...

Patient Autonomy Often Forgotten in Research

One of the hallmarks of bioethics is respect for personal autonomy. Modern ethicists have stressed this virtue to a fault. Competent patients have a right to refuse any medical intervention, even if those interventions can enhance one’s quality of life or even...

Does Congress Suffer from Malignant Power?

Rep. Ernest Istook (R-Okla.) allegedly placed in a congressional spending bill that passed on Saturday a frightening provision allowing two committee chairmen and their staffs to look at any American citizen’s tax returns without any privacy safeguards. Chairmen...