Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus

Lord, I Want To Be Like Jesus

Anyone who knows me knows that I am generally “progressive” politically. I don’t particularly appreciate the two presumptive major-party nominees for president in 2024, nor do I like Robert Kennedy, Jr. I live in Vermont, the state that continually elects “Democratic...
7 Truths Define My Progressive Faith – Part 2

7 Truths Define My Progressive Faith – Part 2

Jesus was a progressive in every sense of the word. While he respected tradition and appreciated orthodoxy, he offered a deeper understanding of these foundations and a new way to think about God. In my previous column, I explained that seven truths have shaped my...
7 Truths Define My Progressive Faith – Part 1

7 Truths Define My Progressive Faith – Part 1

Did you ever notice that Jesus was always on the move? He and the band were constantly traveling from one location to another throughout Palestine — teaching, feeding and healing those they encountered. They never stayed too long in one place. Their work was...