Feet, Voices, Imagination

A sermon delivered byKathy Pickett, associate pastor, Holmeswood Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo., on August 21, 2011, in the ordination service for Kate Hanch. Isaiah 52: 7-10 I asked Kate Hanch why she chose this prophetic text for her ordination sermon, “It makes...

Will We Respond to Fear or Our Better Selves?

It seems like it has been a long journey from Jim Crow to the Party of No, but one wonders if it has really been very far. There was a time when a good Baptist deacon would teach Sunday school the morning after wearing a white sheet on Saturday night to terrorize his...

Maybe “The Least of These” Need a Good Lobbyist

We have listened to voices claim what must occur to create a better future for our nation. The business sector has clamored for the protection of the wealthiest Americans from taxation because they are the job creators. Closet historians have declared with a...

How to Live the Real Political Message of Jesus

One of the sad facts about Christianity in the United States is that many Christians are ignorant of the political nature of Jesus’ message. Preferring to see Jesus in only spiritual terms, and his message as only about salvation and heaven, we often miss the...