by Robert Parham | Mar 5, 2010 | Opinion
Proselytism is a dirty word for both secularists and goodwill Christians. Many secularists oppose any expression of Christian witness – at home or abroad. They favor freedom from religion. Many goodwill Christians favor freedom of religion and oppose witnessing that...
by Robert Parham | Oct 19, 2009 | Opinion
An evangelical and a Catholic leader disavowed proselytism as they advocated witnessing to their faith recently at a global conference on the relationship between Muslims and Christians. Â “The employees of Catholic Relief Services do not...
by Ron Sisk | Apr 7, 2003 | Opinion
As much as possible, people should work out their conflicts within their own community of faith. It won’t always work, and people do have legitimate reasons for changing congregations. But pastors who make it too easy contribute little to the spiritual welfare...
by Cliff Vaughn | Feb 11, 2002 | News
Linda Seger is likely the most well-known script consultant in the world. She counsels literally thousands of screenwriters, producers and filmmakers. Her clients have included Ray Bradbury (“Fahrenheit 451”), Tony Bill (“The Sting”), William...