by Tony W. Cartledge | Feb 17, 2021 | Opinion
Would Jesus buckle up, obey the speed limit, and show courtesy to other drivers? You bet your heated leather seats he would. My wife Susan recently started a new job as a home health nurse, which means she’s on the road quite a bit. Most of her patients are being...
by Staff | Apr 1, 2019 | News
A majority of U.S. adults (67 percent) support stricter gun laws, according to survey results published March 23 by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research (AP-NORC). This is down slightly from a March 2018 survey, which found that 69 percent of...
by Jodi Mathews | Feb 26, 2003 | News
Think drunk drivers can’t strike again? Think again. Habitual drunk drivers make up about 40 percent of all drunk driving trips, according to AAA. In a release on its Web site, AAA stated that research by its Foundation for Traffic Safety found that...