by Bruce Epperly | Apr 20, 2010 | Opinion
Challenging Rick Warren’s “Purpose Driven Life” is like David going up against Goliath, especially if you’re the pastor of a small congregation who also teaches at a small seminary. When the call came, I had to respond. You see, for a few years...
by Bob Allen | Sep 29, 2005 | News
Atlanta hostage hero Ashley Smith, who won the trust of fugitive and murder suspect Brian Nichols by reading to him from Rick Warren’s “The Purpose Driven Life,” reveals in a new book that she also offered and gave her captor drugs during a...
by Bob Allen | Mar 17, 2005 | News
Sales of Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life catapulted after the book was credited with helping lead to the surrender of the suspect in an Atlanta shooting rampage. On Sunday evening, the day former hostage Ashley Smith told a press conference that reading an...
by Bob Allen | Oct 25, 2004 | News
Rick Warren’s 40 Days of Purpose phenomenon transcends denominations, appealing to Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians and Pentecostals; blacks, whites and Hispanics. It is even used in prisons. One exception to the movement’s broad appeal is moderate...
by Bob Allen | Oct 25, 2004 | News
When Purpose Driven Life author Rick Warren, 25 years old and fresh out of seminary, started Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, Calif., with his wife, Kay, they made a 40-year commitment to the community. His long-range ministry plan focused the first 10 years on...