The Crucial Step Often Missing from True Compromise

When it comes down to actually doing it, the devil is in the details. This seems to be the central challenge amid a lot of talk in Washington, D.C., these days about the importance of compromise as well as assurances on many sides that it is necessary and possible....

4 Observations, 4 Questions on Mission Work in Ghana

The Baptist General Association of Virginia has a partnership with the Ghana Baptist Convention to launch churches and distribute mosquito nets in the African nation. The goals are to start with about 500 congregations in the outlying towns and villages of the Yendi...

While Size of Crowds Notable, They Prove Nothing

Comparing crowd sizes became a surprising focal point following President Trump’s inauguration. By now, most of us have seen overhead shots from the Washington Monument of the crowds at the 2009 Obama inauguration next to images of the Trump inauguration....