by Reggie Warren | Jan 21, 2015 | Opinion
Sadly, I believe the chances of current ideas easing racial tensions in America is minimal in the wake of the shootings of black persons by police and the shootings of police, unless things really change on both sides of the aisle. Race relations and tensions in...
by Reggie Warren | Oct 23, 2014 | Opinion
I have been interviewed as a pastoral candidate by more than a few churches and have opted to serve six over the last 35 years of pastoral ministry. Almost always, concerns were expressed as to whether or not I “kept confidences.” Often, it was apparent...
by Staff | Oct 6, 2014 | News
Reggie Warren is pastor of Union Hill Baptist Church in Brookneal, Virginia, and is a former member of the board of directors of the Baptist Center for Ethics. Reggie’s articles that have appeared on are available here. 1. Where did you grow up?...
by Reggie Warren | Aug 15, 2014 | Opinion
I now risk entering the glutted fray of commenting on Robin Williams’ death. There are likely lots of reasons why it hit so many so hard. He was a contemporary of so many of us. He almost always seemed to smile and he brought laughter to so many. Many would say...
by Reggie Warren | Aug 11, 2014 | Opinion
Most readers are more than a little familiar with the encounter between Jesus and his disciples that is recorded in Matthew 16:13-20. It began with Jesus asking the disciples what people were saying about him. Responses varied, but when Jesus asked the disciples what...