by Craig Nash | Oct 15, 2024 | Feature-, News
Equal Justice USA (EJUSA), a national organization working to transform the nation’s justice system, recently announced it is expanding into four new communities to build new restorative justice initiatives. In its announcement, EJUSA said these programs will “serve...
by Starlette Thomas | Jun 5, 2023 | Feature, Opinion
When history starts to repeat itself, interrupt it. We’ve heard these stories of injustice before and unless this is a particular favorite of yours, we’ve got to stop police brutality. “I feared for my life, so I shot him. The end.” That is, of course, until it...
by Kathy Manis Findley | Jul 28, 2021 | Opinion
History will tell stories about how this society, in this time, failed to treat every person as a person of worth. History might also tell of the ways people of faith failed to treat persons as persons of sacred worth. It’s a matter of respecting all persons, caring...
by Starlette Thomas | Jul 6, 2021 | Opinion, The Raceless Gospel Initiative
A Mexican proverb states, “They tried to bury us. They didn’t know we were seeds.” It reminded me of another that I learned from my mother. Speaking of an unsolved murder mystery, she told me, “The ground doesn’t talk.” But it does. Blood cries from the ground, from...
by Zach Dawes Jr | Mar 4, 2016 | Opinion
We love a comeback story, but not as much as a resignation or firing in our quick-to-condemn society. The University of Missouri decided last week to fire assistant professor Melissa Click based on her actions during an on-campus protest in November 2015. The...