An Accurate Choice for Renamed Southern Baptists

As an unreconstructed “Northern” Baptist now living in the South, I find rather curious the endeavor of the Southern Baptist Convention to find a new name for itself. After all, it is the church that was born in the controversy over slavery, did what it...

National Affairs Briefing Politicized the Gospel

We have just observed the 30th anniversary of a milestone in the spiritual deterioration of American evangelicalism: the National Affairs Briefing on Aug. 21-22, 1980. Organized by Ed McAteer, called by some the “godfather of the Religious Right,” it...

Falsifying American History in Jesus’ Name

  The “Texas Schoolbook Massacre” – the term given by the media to the action in May by a conservative majority on the Texas State Board of Education to rewrite the social studies and history guidelines for state textbooks – has attracted a storm of...

Civility Requires More Than One-Way Street

In late March, a document flashed across the Internet: “A Covenant for Civility: Come Let Us Reason Together.” It was a very nicely worded statement that affirmed seven points, each reinforced with a Scripture verse or two, and it conveniently fit on one...