Finding Hope While Changing Paradigms

Finding Hope While Changing Paradigms

Breaking through rocky soil to expose myths is the work of historians. Or experienced psychiatric nurse-writers like myself. I think like a psychiatric nurse in most everything of importance that I do. As slow as any detective, I like digging down to the roots of...
The Danger of Tampering with History

The Danger of Tampering with History

In less than three minutes I sank from jubilation into the depths of despair. The message from attorney and outstanding SBC advocate Rachael Denhollander, encased in a photo atop the May 24 article from Religious News Service said almost all that was needed, less than...

Rick Santorum Defends Views on Obama’s Theology

WASHINGTON (RNS) Republican presidential contender Rick Santorum, leading the GOP field in national polls, is defending his views questioning prenatal testing and President Obama’s “theology.” The unapologetic advocacy by Santorum seemed sure to...