by Martin Marty | Mar 22, 2012 | Opinion
“Public religion,” the rubric for these e-columns and the Center that issues them, often gets reduced to “religion and politics,” but “public” has a broader reach. Included are, for example, the arts, education, and – yes! – dealing...
by Adelle Banks | Jul 6, 2011 | News
(RNS) Crystal Cathedral founder Robert H. Schuller has been removed from a voting position on the board of the iconic glass megachurch he started in Southern California five decades ago. “Recently, the board of directors of Crystal Cathedral Ministries voted to change...
by Everett Goodwin | May 22, 2002 | Opinion
Robert Schuller clearly has an eternal hope for his Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif. In a recent interview, Schuller confessed, “I dream in hundreds of years.” The Crystal Cathedral “will never die,” he said. “It’s built...