by Brit Blalock | Sep 23, 2022 | Opinion
Fifteen years ago, I sat in my dorm room on Samford University’s campus and considered killing myself. I’d recently come to terms with the fact that I was in love with a woman, but because I felt I had no one I could safely turn to, I began drowning in a deep and...
by Susan M. Shaw | Nov 4, 2021 | Opinion
Cancel culture is nothing new in Baptist colleges. The first day I stepped foot on campus in 1987 in my brand-new job as a religion professor at a Baptist college, a young student walked up to me and said, “I’ll never take one of your classes because women shouldn’t...
by Kevin Heifner and Todd Heifner | Oct 29, 2021 | Opinion
Our family has strong, historical connections and generational affinity for Baptist-affiliated institutions of learning. Both our parents graduated from Louisiana College in the 1960s. I (Kevin) graduated from Ouachita Baptist University in 1987. I (Todd), and our...
by Cliff Vaughn | Jul 1, 2005 | News
Ask recent Samford graduate Natalie McIntyre what she’s doing next week, and she might say, “I’m going to the G8.” It would be the truth. McIntyre, who graduated in May with a bachelor’s in political science, is one of a handful of...
by Cliff Vaughn | Apr 21, 2005 | News
A Harvard scholar and minister discussed honoring the body for an inaugural lectureship at Samford University Monday night. Stephanie Paulsell, associate dean of ministry studies at Harvard Divinity School and author of Honoring the Body: Meditations on a Christian...